
Get your dream home in 5 steps

Step 1
Consult Interior Designer
Step 2
Book Our Services
Step 3
Execution Begins
Step 3
Installation And Final Touches
Step 3
Handover Time To Move In!

Consult interior designer

We want to get to know you. Fill out this form as a first step of sharing your vision with us.

Its consultation time! Talk to one of our expert interior designers and share your ideas. Get an immediate quote on your project as well!

Book our services

Get it confirmed. Once you are convinced and satisfied with the design proposal, seal the deal by paying 10% of the estimate.

Let’s get into the details. Pick out the materials, fixtures, furniture, wall paints etc with us! Interim payments will have to be made if required.

Execution begins

Let’s make it official. Finalise the contract by making a cumulative 50% payment.

And the work begins! You can get live project updates and stay on top of progress through our app

Installation and final touches

Time to make the full payment. Before the last stage of the project, 100% payment needs to be made.

Final stage. The last batch of orders get delivered and we move on to completion!

Handover. Moving in time!

Your ideas and dreams have finally come to fruition!

The Team

We have a team of experts ready to help you at every stage of your project.

Customer relationship manager

I’m going to be your point of contact for the project during the entire course

Operations manager

I’m the person responsible for the project execution on-site

Interior Design Manager

I’m responsible for the project design and will monitor the execution at every stage as per design.